I find myself traversing myriad spaces, often flowing seamlessly from one to the other. Though each of these spaces has its own identity, it is their gestalt that best expresses my thoughts, interests and passions. I have always wanted to bring all of them under one roof and finally here it is - Myriad Spaces. Welcome to my world.

A Voice in the Wind is my first blog, the one that propelled me into the world of blogging in 2005. This blog is a storehouse of my thoughts and feelings, my take on things that touch me in my day-to-day life, things that make me pause and reflect.

Discussing Development is where I engage in conversations surrounding development related issues - ICT4D, governance, communities, managing natural resources, gender and social inclusion. 

A keen observer of life and its idiosyncrasies,I delight in encapsulating news and stories into limericks, which are published at Newsmericks. I believe:

Perhaps in the limerick form,
You always seek laughs as per norm.
But I feel this style,
Is very versatile--
Can gibe, analyse, or inform!

When it comes to blogs, current affairs and citizen media, you can also find me at Global Voices, reporting on citizen media content from South Asia.

And last but not the least, there is খোলা জানালা (the open window) - my Bangla blog where I sometimes drop in to have an adda in my mother tongue.